Phone Lookup
(469) 464-9384
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Phone Number: 469-464-9384

Type: Landline

Address: Lewisville, TX

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(469) 464-9384 Ratings:

  • (469) 464-9384

    Called me at 3:50 pm and did not leave a message. I called the 800 number to get on the "no Call list". I guess it does not work.

  • (469) 464-9384

    This ass wipe called me in az at 0315. I am so sick of these stupid calls. I called it back in the evening and it doesn't even go through.

  • (469) 464-9384

    Call NC 12:37 a.m. 1/28/2013. No person, no ro-bo call, nothing! While I don't necessarily like being woke up at that time of morning, I must answer the call since I have teenagers...

  • (469) 464-9384

    Called in MN also at 400am. Not happy.

  • (469) 464-9384

    Called me at 3:30 AM. I did not pick up. They did not leave a message. I'm in Dallas.

  • (469) 464-9384

    Called me at 4:36 am this morning here in Louisiana. I did not answer.

  • (469) 464-9384

    Called at 3:30AM. Woke me up!!

  • (469) 464-9384

    Called us at 2 am also Jan 23.

  • (469) 464-9384

    They called at 4:15am. I didn't answer. When I called the number back, I got a recording that simply says, "Sorry for the test call."

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